Monday, October 13, 2008

How the right will try and steal the election

I think the chances that they can actually change the outcome of the election are small. But they will try through a variety of means. I hope our local UCDC and state party is on top of this. Furthermore, these kind of stories point out why election reform should be a constant issue for the progressives and CSCC.

The Right, and I don't know how much it is the official Republican party or a shadow party that operates as a network of activists in the party and in various outside groups, have a variety of tools at their disposal

- Confuse the issue of fraud in registering and fraud at the ballot box. If Mickey Mouse registers, Mickey Mouse will not vote.
- Invoke false history about how Kennedy did it in 1960, so we it all ends justifies means this time around.
- Push laws or execution of laws that result in purging people from polling registers. Sometimes this is legal, think FL felons being purged by law. In that case, we need to fight those laws. Other times they use such laws to purge many people who should not be.
- Use direct marketing data, like change of address cards, to cross reference voting registers so they can challenge voters at the polling place. Even if the voter is eventually cleared, or given a provisional vote, this tactic drums up fear that there is something "afoul" with the voting process since X number of people were challenged. It also has the benefit of making people nervous that they have done something wrong. The whiff of criminalization probably makes some voters antsy (especially those historically subjected to disenfranchisment efforts like poll taxes).
- Invoke the FL 2000 mess as the frame that the 'systems is broke." Where broke for them means that too many Americans who "don't think like us" are trying to vote.
-Systematically underfund poorer or more dense areas to create long lines.
-Fight a national work holiday for elections (I mean, good grief!).

Even if none of this yields them the election, it does allow them to sulk for 8 years and claim that the Obama and the Democrats "stole" the election for the "true" Americans. Yes, and with all the racist and nativist undertones that feeling carries.

We need a landslide not just to win, to reverse policies, to change course. We need a landslide to so utterly crush the conservative movement that it is forced to rethink itself and its ideas.

They are drowning. Throw them an anvil.

This very good piece from Huffington Post addresses the ACORN lies:
The facts about ACORN are worth getting out. ACORN is an organization that, among other things, registers low-income people to vote. One of the ways they do this is to hire door-to-door canvassers from the neighborhoods they are working in. This sort of work is tightly regulated. So, when one of the thousands of people they give jobs to doesn't do their work right and brings back bogus or phony voter registration cards, the law REQUIRES that ACORN turn the forms in to the voter registration office. The law, rightly, doesn't want anybody throwing out voter registration forms for any reason.


jordi comas said...

I know I didn't cite examples of all the tactic I described. I was rushed.

Feel free to fill in details if you like, but trust me, there is evidence in spades for all of it.

Ben Vollmayr-Lee said...

How about straight up voting machine fraud? Probably this is easiest pulled off in a few districts here and there. Since we don't seem to be headed to a case where one tipping-point state could make the difference, I don't think 2008 is the year for it. But simply for the sake of election integrity, we need to get verified voting in place nation-wide, ASAP.