Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Anti-Obama Truck in Lewisburg Today

Apparently, there is currently a large truck parked on Market St., Lewisburg with a large billboard on the side showing a cartoonish picture of Obama, condemning his ties to ACORN (the organization of community workers who the conservatives have lately been accusing of voter registration fraud).

Can anyone get a picture of this? And/or find out who is responsible for sponsoring it?


Ben Vollmayr-Lee said...

Does it say "We do metal roofs" anywhere?

Jove said...


no, i don't think it was the "metal roofs" truck. i saw this on my way home from work (but didn't have a camera), it was really bizarre. A giant Photoshopped Obama, smoking a cigarette, with an acorn hat on his head, saying something about "his friends in ACORN." If it's still there tomorrow, I'll take a pic. Very bizarre.

Jove said...

This is amazing. You weren't kidding about the "We do metal roofs." How did you know?

The mystery truck was sponsored by this group,, which is in turn "sponsored by" which is apparently a consortium of local contractors.... The first advertisement that scrolls onto the screen when you follow that link above? "We Do Metal Roofs"! What the--?

Is there some history here or something? This is all still so strange to me.

Ben Vollmayr-Lee said...

That was just a joke that dressed up and became a lucky guess. Someone somewhere decided that it's a really good idea to park "billboard cars" around advertising metal roofs, since I see the damned things all over the place. Evidently this is your local contractor consortium.

So maybe it's not so surprising that the same tactic (parked billboards) employed against Obama has the same origin.

Anonymous said...

That truck was definately owned by the "We Do Metal Roofs" crew. Here is why... they have a website called "Ontheedgetoday" and a matching Youtube channel. All of the videos are in the greater Lewisburg area and some feature the truck. I did a WHOIS search on their website and the registrant is Bob Deharder of "We Do Metal Roofs".