Sunday, October 19, 2008

Colin Powell Endorsement

Everyone has probably seen it, but in case you haven't, here's the Colin Powell endorsement:

The best part comes at around 5:20 where he explicitly endorses Trey Casimir and Steve Connolley as well!

I'm no Colin Powell fan. But this is a good event for two reasons. One, it pushes the fringe robocalling/Rush Limbaugh element further to the fringe, since a lot of the more moderate conservatives out there will be educated by the far right's reaction to the Powell endorsement. And two, pragmatically, it puts McCain on the defensive in the media for a day or two, which brings us a day or two closer to the election. The analogy in football would be picking up a 1st down while you're running out the clock.


jordi comas said...

Pretty devastating for McCain.
I suppose he will be savaged by the right.

Would we on the left be any less harsh on an apostate? Does Lieberman count?

Ben Vollmayr-Lee said...

Interesting question. I'm certainly openly critical of Lieberman, and not so much for his voting record but rather his active undermining of Democrats.

So am I like a critic of Powell from the right? The situation isn't fully symmetric. If the Democrats were running a destructive and effectively nihilist government (which could happen down the road - power corrupts), and in that context some Democrat comes out against the party, well, I could be pretty sympathetic.