Wednesday, September 26, 2007

YOUR CHANCE TO COMMENT on local candidates seeking CSCC endorsement

Here's your chance to share your thoughts about the candidates we saw at the September 6th meeting.

Three local candidates are seeking CSCC endorsement. They are:

John Showers, incumbent candidate for Union County Commissioner
Jim Buck, candidate for East Buffalo Township Supervisor
Fred Greenawalt, candidate for Kelly Township Supervisor

The endorsement vote will conclude at CSCC's October 11th meeting. We will send an e-ballot at least one week before the meeting. All voting members (those who have donated $20 or more to the organization in 2007) may vote either by e-mail or in-person at the meeting (Oct. 11, 7:30, First Baptist Church, Lewisburg).

Here's some information to guide you as your think about this endorsement process:


from CSCC's by-laws

13.2.1) The debate about whether or not to endorse a candidate should be guided by the question of whether or not it would tend to further CSCC’s philosophy and mission as stated in section 1 of these by-laws.

Here is Section 1:
1.1) Philosophy: CSCC seeks to empower its members to participate in the democratic process in order to realize our shared, progressive vision of a society that is stronger, freer and more just.

1.2) Mission: To that end, CSCC will help to recruit, train and elect local, state and federal candidates who share our progressive vision.

All three of these candidates appeared and took questions at the Sept. 6 CSCC meeting.
All three also appeared at the CSCC land use forum back in March.

We invite you to SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS about these candidates through this public blog.

1 comment:

Loren Gustafson said...

I'm impressed by all three of these candidates. John and Jim are, as most of you reading this probably know, CSCC people. Both were part of CSCC's early days in 2004. Jim continues to be a part of the steering committee. Jim continues to impress me with the way he gets out going door to door and with the way he puts into action the principles on which CSCC was founded, especially citizen empowerment. I've learned as much about what's going on in East Buffalo Township (where I live) from Jim's campaign updates as from reading the local paper.

Fred would seem to have an uphill task in Kelly Township, where ideas like regional cooperation (LARA, police protection) have had a tough time garnering popular support. But like EBT, Kelly is changing, and it's a matter of how that change is going to happen, not whether. Fred strikes me as someone who makes the case for progressive ideas without apology where no one was doing that before. I believe we should do what we can to help him get his message out.

Loren Gustafson