Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Iraq, funding, and Carney

Here is a kos post about recent poll numbers about the $190 billion.


70% of independents, 90% of democrats, and 46% or republicans do not support full funding.

Lets say the Ds did not pass this funding as a lever to force change in military policy.

Given that, I assume Rs would run ads for the next thirty years saying: "Right when the surge was producing results, the Ds showed their true colors. They ain't red white and blue, but something a lot more yellow. And that is why Iraq has been a murderous hell hole for the last thirty years."

In that political climate, how many of those voters will continue to say that Ds are "soft" on defense? I don't know, but "a bunch" seems to drive a lot of D strategizing.

Does it drive Rep Carney's? Maybe. He has always seemed more willing to militarily engage with Iraq than his more progressive supporters. If he refuses legislation for timelines, reduced funding, and other attempts to wrest military policy from the delusional White House, he should come clean. What does he know or believe that leads him to go against teh will of t eh majority of Americans?

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