Wednesday, May 25, 2011

UPDATE: "Tax Fracking Now" Petition Hits 464

464! In just over a week, 464 citizens have signed our petition to enact a "fracking" severance tax on the natural gas drilling companies. We know how urgent it is to let our representatives hear that message, so we will be collecting signatures for just one more weekend. Then, we'll deliver those signatures to our state legislators and the governor so that they hear the message loud and clear.

If you haven't signed already, please do it now! Or if you know someone who needs to sign, please let them know! Our online petition is here:

Or, we'll also be collecting signatures in person one more time, this Saturday in front of the Lewisburg Post Office from 10am-12pm. Last Saturday was a great success--we had several people who read about the petition in the paper and made a special trip just to sign! Special thanks also to wonderful volunteers who took sheets home to their businesses, or went door-to-door in their communities this week.

We can't thank everyone enough for the support--we're almost done and ready to make your voice heard!

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