Monday, May 16, 2011

CSCC Announces "Tax Fracking Now!" Petition

CSCC needs your help.

Almost all gas-producing states impose a severance tax of some kind on natural gas drilling to help pay for oversight and cleanup, because once the resource is gone, it's gone--and hydrofracturing can leave behind serious damage just as the coal industry did. A "frack tax" will make sure that Pennsylvania has the resources to respond to these challenges.

So CSCC has created a petition in support of levying this tax on the gas drilling companies. This is not a typical online petition. We, the CSCC Steering Committee, will collect as many signatures as we can--both online and in-person in Lewisburg--and then personally deliver copies to State Rep. Keller, State Senator Yaw, and Governor Corbett in Harrisburg.

The petition says:
"We call on Pennsylvania's legislature and governor to enact a severance tax on gas extracted from the Marcellus Shale to help pay for effective regulatory oversight of hydrofracturing operations, proper cleanup of any environmental damage, and repair of roads and other infrastructure affected by drilling operations. This tax should be paid by the natural gas drilling companies, and portions of these funds must go to local and county governments and to environmental protection and remediation."

Will you sign this petition? Click here:

As of today, the PA Budget & Policy Center estimates that Pennsylvania has lost $186 million by not enacting a severance tax. Please help us spread the word! Feel free to forward, post or tweet this link to anyone in Pennsylvania who is concerned about the effects of drilling.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How did Saturday go?

The online version seems to be collecting mucho signatures.