Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Appropriate Tasks

For these 3 months we're living with the slightly absurd situation of a discredited government remaining in power during a crisis. The absurdity is on full display here in a screenshot from MSNBC (from Matthew Yglesias):

Each man has a task appropriate to their abilities: Obama's is to deal with our mess, and Bush's is to pardon a turkey. It must be said, pardoning a turkey requires some skill, since Sarah Palin was unable to pull it off without a major disaster. But Bush can probably handle this.

But Obama has to try to calm markets and do whatever he can do behind the scenes to lead Paulson away from any major fiasco. This is just nuts. This is the kind of situation where a vote of no confidence needs to lead to a change of government, NOW!

Maybe it would be a good thing if the Constitution were more easily amended.

Update: The Onion! What a national treasure.

In Thanksgiving Tradition, Bush Pardons Scooter Libby In Giant Turkey Costume

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hilarious! Thank you for adding this, Ben.