Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Lower Taxes, Less Debt

I submitted this letter to the Daily Item over the weekend. I don't know if it will get printed or not, but interestingly enough, I was glad to see that today's editorial page reprinted this column from the St. Petersburg Times which is remarkably similar in both tone and content. I wonder if it's just a coincidence, or if the editors actually consider the letters they receive when choosing what syndicated columns to print? If so, that would be very encouraging.

Lower Taxes, Less Debt
As a father, I worry about how much I pay in taxes now, and how much debt we are leaving to our children. John McCain's ads say that Barack Obama wants "higher taxes," but many sources last week—ranging from a letter in Sunday's paper ("Misleading ads") to the ladies on The View—pointed out several falsehoods in McCain's other TV ads. This
made me wonder: who will really lower my taxes more?

Factcheck.org and the Tax Policy Center, two nonpartisan groups, both agree: not only will Obama's plan make my taxes lower than McCain's will (because our family makes under $250,000 a year), but it's also expected to leave behind a smaller national debt—$1.5 trillion smaller! At "www.factcheck.org," they give a specific example that an average family making between $37,000 and $66,000 a year would save $1,118 on their taxes under Obama's plan, and only $325 under McCain's, while families making less than that will see even larger percentage tax cuts with Obama. This sounds like a "no-brainer" to me! I know I'll be voting for Barack Obama.

[Update:] I forgot, I wanted to post this link to the Washington Post graphic comparing the two tax plans, McCain's and Obama's. This really says it all, and we need to convince the 80-95% of voters whom Obama's plan favors that it's in their best interest.

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