Friday, May 15, 2009

Arlen Specter is Really a Democrat!

Nate Silver looks at Specter's voting record since nominally converting to the Democratic Party, and, surprise, he's not doing too bad. He's voted with the Democrats 10 out of 15 times, not up to Casey's rate (14 out of 15), but well above supposed Democrats Evan Bayh (8 out of 14) and Ben Nelson (7 out of 15).

I'm still in favor of a strong primary challenge, if for no other reason to keep some pressure on Specter to play nice with the Democrats.

1 comment:

Loren Gustafson said...

I saw a comment on another blog that suggested that Specter wouldn't have to think about reelection if he makes it back in 2010. I think that's wrong. If he hasn't quit yet, he wants to stay on forever--like Robert Bird or Strom Thurmond. I also support a primary challenge, but I don't see any reason for CSCC to endorse Sestak over Specter. Joe Hoeffel, where have you gone?