Monday, January 12, 2009

Letting Go of W.

I want to look forward and not backward, forget about everything that George W. Bush did wrong. But then I read Maureen Dowd in the New York Times:

Asked by People magazine what moments from the last eight years he revisited most often, W. talked passionately about the pitch he threw out at the World Series in 2001: “I never felt that anxious any other time during my presidency, curiously enough.”

Asked by Fred Barnes and Bill Kristol of The Weekly Standard if he had made progress in some areas for which he hasn’t gotten credit, the president put trying to privatize Social Security at the top of his list. It’s frightening to think where a lot of people would be now if that effort had succeeded.

I recall one time when George W. Bush admitted making a mistake (he said he believed he'd worn too many red ties in the 2000 campaign). I'm not expecting a mea culpa (wouldn't that be refreshing), but some acknowledgement that maybe something has been mismanaged in the last 8 years would be nice. Just as he tried to blame the Clinton adminstration for 9/11, now he says that history will show that our economic problems stem from decisions made in the 1990s. So much for personal responsibility.

1 comment:

Loren Gustafson said...

I read in today's paper that President Bush admitted some mistakes in his final press conference yesterday. As far as I now, however, no one was watching. He seems to understand that the "Mission Accomplished" speech (or at least the banner) was a mistake. Has anyone told him what the price tag will be?