Friday, December 19, 2008

Haven't we seent his pattern?

I am just shamelessly quoting Kos here. But it does ring true, and so, so frustrating.

Seriously, this earlier post by Kagro encapsulates every frustration I've felt over the last eight years.

  1. Republicans ask for the absurd, threaten nuclear/economic armageddon if there's no action.
  1. Democrats cower in fear.
  1. We try to talk some sense into them.
  1. We get scolded for being unserious, and wanting the terrorists to win/people to lose their jobs.
  1. Democrats promise oversight!
  1. We roll our eyes.
  1. Democrats cave on every single point, but pretend to win anyway.
  1. We wonder what we ever did to deserve this sorry bunch of representatives.
  1. Republicans do whatever the hell they want.
  1. Democrats pretend that no one could've ever predicted Republican outrages and express "outrage". Sometimes, they even write a sternly worded letter!
  1. We make "no one could have foreseen" jokes and wonder what we ever did to deserve this sorry bunch of representatives.
  1. Rinse, lather, repeat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have some hope that this pattern is going to be less pervasive. John McCain tried to pull this with financial meltdown and the result was people said, "Oh, please! You can't expect us to fall for that." But of course, we did, but at least they didn't give Paulson control without any possibility of oversight (which was the first 3-pg proposal, which McCain said he hadn't had time to read).