Saturday, December 1, 2007

Jordi Puts a Verbal Smack-Down on an Old Lady

At yesterday's Carney town meeting, there were maybe 100 people? He ended up taking about 17 questions. The staff gave the floor to one person by giving them a microphone to speak. There was no order to it. I, among others, had our hands up almost the whole time without getting called on.

So, this one senior citizen, in her own bumbling, bulldozer way, just decides to take the floor herself. Now, Rep Carney sort of invited this by letting a different older gentleman tack on a comment out of turn. The comment ended up being a two minute harangue about the cost of government.

Anyway, this one lady grabs the floor. She cuts in line. And my sense of grade school justice is aroused. Who does she think she is?

Her question:
"I wrote to Bil Clinton about why Rosalyn Carter's staff was so big. And he never wrote me back. And now what are we going to do if that Bill Clinton is there? How much staff is he going to have? And you know how much they paid her staff, Rosalyn Carter's? $600,000."

Dope-slap time.

I realized that Carney's staff couldn't smack her around.

So I took the floor in a bit of civil disobedience and said to her:

"Is that really the most important issue in America right now? Is that we need to focus on?"

She glowered. I didn't care. Score one for Gen-x. And that felt good.


Loren Gustafson said...

I admired Chris Carney's handling of the situation when she asked, "Why does she need that many staff anyway?"

He said, "Since I've never been a first lady, I couldn't say."

Could the next election really rest on whether Bill Clinton would spend more as the First Gent than Laura Bush did as First Lady? I hope not.

jordi comas said...

Stranger things have probably happened.